Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient’s skin at certain point on the body. It is most commonly used to treat pain and also increasingly being used for overall wellness including stress management.
Ayurvedic Acupuncture (also known as Marmacupuncture) makes use of acupuncture needles that penetrates the skin at particular acupoints to balance the Prana (life force) of internal body environment (microcosm) with that of external world(macrocosm) for bringing about a balance or health.
Ayurvedic Acupuncture cures by stimulating the body to heal rather than treating the disease by itself, when that particular marma is gently needled. The marmas are responsible for connecting the various systems in the body with their internal organs through a series of ducts called ‘Nadis’. They carry ‘prana’ to each marma.